Still the summer goes on and on...
Written @ 11:46 p.m. on 2002-07-10

Ah, to feel accomplished...

Well, I'm nearly finished clearing up the whole room situation. It's been a slight (that could be an understatement, depends on how you look at things) mess ever since I moved back home. I know it's been a while, but there were many distractions along the way, the room can't blame only me. I just need to finish clearing up the closet, and who knows what that will take...I'm not sure if I want to be lazy or really gung-ho about this process, but as I'm sure nobody could care less about the status of my room, I shall move on.

I also feel slightly accomplished getting this whole second diary thing started. Now that I have two online and others in writing I think it should keep everything covered. Even though I'm paranoid about the whole technological aspect of an online diary...well, I wont think about that today, I'll think about it tomorrow...or in a few years, whatever's good.

Only thing I don't feel accomplished on is my story. While I remembered an idea I had for a talk my main character has I just can't seem to buckle down and map out all of the characters properly so I can feel confident in continuing. I'm feeling very uninspired about it all. Maybe it's because it's not October anymore...I'd dress up and go trick or treating to get in the mood, but...well that would be very hot and I'm safer staying in doors so I don't melt.

May the clouds never lift...

I'm so excited that the monsoons seem to have finally arrived! Yay for the rain and sun-absent skies! I can't wait to see the flashes of lightning and hear the rumble of thunder. Hopefully it'll help me sleep better, but I doubt anything is that miraculous.

It amazes me how the newscasters will always find something to bitch about. First it was the dryness without the rain, now it's the danger of flash floods with the rain. Move on to something more important...oh wait, this is Arizona, that's about all there is, nevermind. Actually, they've been complaining more about the conditions of the atmosphere because of the winds kicking up such dirt. How sad is that, we're having problems with dirt. Oh man, I hate the desert.

Wait, what day is it?

Man, I thought my sense of time was bad during the school year, but it's so much worse over summer. I keep loosing track of time and days and while I usually don't mind, it's annoying when certain things just sneak up on you. Apparently I have appointments coming up which will require me to wake up early, like morning early. That's not right, I need like at least a week of preparation for stuff like that.

Wow, I can't believe that in just a week we're going to Vegas, I swear this summer has just been dissappearing on me, and I had such high hopes for it too. Ah well, they weren't that high. According to my father my Aunt and Uncle (who were supposed to be arriving this weekend) wont be coming down till closer to the end of July, which is around the same time my cousin Brad should be arriving. With all this going on, I'm sure July will just fly by faster than the rest has.

I can't wait for August already, which seems kind of strange. The main reason of course being that my birthday is in that month and I'm really looking forward to it. Well, I'm looking forward to the party, not turning 20--that's way too scary for me to comprehend, so let's move on shall we.

I find myself slightly looking forward to starting school. While it's an annoying hassle to be transferring to the University of Arizona, it is a change in scenery and people and I'm hoping it's much better than where I was. I'm going to miss my old Theatre department terribly and if this one isn't as good I'll probably end up going back. I'm really hoping the English department will be better than that sad excuse NAU had for one.

I still haven't heard from Molly since she moved out to California...I'm not sure how many days it's been, but when the stuff I have to tell her starts piling up I know it's been too long. I'd call her, but I think she's staying at Dan's house and I would have no clue what time to give her a ring there. I want her to fill me in on how Disneyland's been doing without us and if there's anything new...especially concerning a few people...Man, she better call me soon, or I may start talking to myself--wait, I do that already...well, it could increase and...oh screw it.

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