Written @ 4:47 a.m. on 2002-07-27

I tend to ramble without explanation, so here ya go...


Shea: I've known her since the 5th grade and she's become one of my best friends. She lives out in San Luis Obispo, CA right now and for some insane reason beyond my comprehension has decided to major in aerospace engineering. She's dating this guy Clay right now. Funny story actually...

Cristina: Another good friend from High School, we bonded over our similar obsession with Disney and Disneyland. She's an incredibly sweet person, and one of my favorite people. .

Katrina: She was one of my best friends Senior year in High School, we tend to act half our age whenever we get together, rampaging toy stores, which I say is healthy.

Molly: We worked at Disneyland together and we instantly became friends. Dan is her "significant other" *snicker*.

Kirsten: Another good and close friend, we went to high school together. She is one of the few I've stayed in contact with and still see of the "high school group". Haven't really heard from her much since she got a boyfriend, but I expected that.

Tess: I met her online in the Dark Mark message boards. Our birthdays our only like 12 days apart and we became good online friends because we share a similar sense of humor and a great penchant for drooling over older men.

Chloe: Another I met online in the Dark Mark message boards and became surprisingly good friends with. She has become my little sister even though she's incredibly mature for her age. My own mini-me.

Jamie: We were in the NAU theatre department together and were pretty good friends. My top informer when it comes to gossip and ongoings of the department. We still talk through IM.

Erica: We were also in the NAU theatre department together and were pretty good friends. We're obsessed with the same shows and can rant back and forth for eons about them.

Josh: An old friend that I worked with at the movie theater ages ago. One of the only guys I've ever met that can make me laugh, go that. Also is great for showing me the most random things. We also share an obsession with video games.

Danny: I worked with him at Disneyland and we had a "thing" but now we're just good friends. It's kind of a long story...

Julie: My oldest friend. We've known each other since 1st grade and we've been friends since then. She's moved around and been out of touch a lot, but it's hard to let go of a friendship that old.

Veronique: She's a good friend that I met Senior year in High School, we went through Kairos together (a retreat thing for our school) and we became pretty good friends. She's from Belgium which I think is really cool, I love hearing her talk in French. I lost touch with her until I saw her again at a pool party.

Jessica: An old friend from high school, kind of annoyingly sweet. *cough*bubbly*cough* Don't really talk to her very much, but hear much of from Kirsten.


Mom: Two completely different people. One's a great mom and the other's a thing from hell sent as a new evil in my life.

Dad: Pure evil.

Brad: My cousin but really more of a big brother. We're pretty close and he comes down at least once during the summer.

Jeff: My cousin who was also like a big brother figure to me for a while. He moved down to Arizona my junior year in high school and stayed with us for a about a year. Now he's missing and most likely dead, I honestly don't know what to think so I try not to.

Nerdboy: Also known as my little brother. Last time I checked he goes by the name of Matt. He's 4 years younger than me and drives me crazy most of the time.


Tucson, Arizona: Where I grew up all my life and am now stuck back in. It's the desert and it sucks beyond words.

Flagstaff, Arizona: Where I attended college for 2 years, it's up in the mountains and is way too cold and boring.

Disneyland: Where I worked during the summer of 2001, which was the best time of my life.

NAU: Northern Arizona University, it was the college I attented for two years up in Flagstaff. Not many bright people but a great theatre department.

UofA: University of Arizona, the college I transfered to an am currently attending. It's hot and way too big, but...well, that's all I got.

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