Ye-haw lil doggies...
Written @ 1:32 am on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003

You know what is one of my biggest pet peeves. People who IM you just to talk about themselves or their significant other. I have this certain �friend� who used to be so damn cool. This person used to make me laugh all the time and was the best to have totally random conversations with. Now they rarely talk with me, but when they do all they do is talk about they�re stupid significant other. Now I don�t mind at all talking about this to an extent, it�s all cute for a while but it�s just downright rude when you do it EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Even if I try to change the subject this person either steers it back or just stops talking altogether. They�re not even funny anymore! They�re just boring and sickening! I understand being excited but if you�re a friend then let�s think about the other person for a change. GAH!

I don�t know what they expect from me. I�m not going to pretend to be girly and be all �Aw! How cute! That is so sweet!� That�s not how I operate, nor is it how anyone should operate. This pisses me off so much! I hate it when people change for the worse. People are worse enough as it is.

That probably came out harsher than I meant it, this person is really a great person but they�re just not being a good friend right now�haven�t been for a long time. Wow, that came out a lot cornier than it sounded in my head�that�s disturbing.

Well, in other news, it�s rodeo week around here. I hate that. I hate the fact that my state celebrates a rodeo. How sad is that? I just�have no words.

Alli: �My teachers keep talking about the stupid rodeo.�

Shea: �I wonder who�s paying them off��

Alli: �Those damn meat people! I may as well face it�it�s a meat town.�

Only good thing is traffic is a little less�which I didn�t expect but am totally grateful for. Plus a lot of people were telling my design teacher they were gonna miss tomorrow�s class so I decided to join in. What can I say, when I see a bandwagon that�ll allow me to sleep in I jump right on board.

So basically the only thing I plan on doing tomorrow is work. Bah. I�m really despising my work right now. Man it�s boring. The people are ok but geez�

There�s this whole craze in the office about the Bachelorette so I watched the tail end tonight. I�ll admit it made me go �awwww�� Yeah, well, I�m not proud of it!

I predicted she�d pick the guy she did though. They�ve had this pool going since the show started and I just have been randomly sticking with him the whole time. I never watched the show I just thought he was hot in the itty bitty picture they showed me. Oh wait, no, it�s that I�m psychic and I saw the whole thing coming�that�s probably a better story right?

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