Beware the happy chicken...
Written @ 5:25 on Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003

There's a Pollo Feliz going up on the main street I drive on everywhere. It's very disturbing. I saw one once on the other side of town and it cracked me up. Luckily all those horrid spanish classes taught me that pollo means chicken and feliz means happy. Happy chicken? What the hell?

They don't stop there though, oh no! They're sign is a giant chicken smiling and giving a thumbs up. Does anyone else find this disturbing? You don't make the main item on your menu your mascott! I'll take KFC's bearded ole white guy any day o the week over a chicken that's gonna put a face to the meat.

It's also a little disconcerting. I don't trust that chicken. That smile is very suspicious...I think the chickens are planning a revolt of some kind.

It is pretty amusing though. Crazy capitalism.

Other than that classes have been all busy and stuff. I've got all these pesky projects which interrupts my viewing of the tv!

Today in Art History class we had a guest speaker come and talk to us about New Guinea. The only thing that stuck with me were these things called penis gourds. Yes, in this culture apparently the men decorate their penis not with fancy phallus shaped cars but with giant sticks placed over their area with jewelry and bells and all sorts of other dangly things. I found this very interesting. Also noted that I never really wanna go to New Guinea. Penises are scary enough as it is.

I have no internet access on my laptop and it's driving me crazy. Of course what's driving me more crazy is the fact that the forum I visit, Eternal Sanctuary (yes a very ironic name considering what happened), shut down for no reason that I know of. I'm going through ranting withdrawls and...I'm just irritated by it. Grr...I wish I could have my own forum because I don't consider myself a moody or irrational person. I think I could train the robots to run the forum quite well.

All my random anecdotes are just going to waste.

I swear my brake pedal moves by itself sometimes. I'll have my foot on the brake at a light and it'll move down more and freak me out. My car better not think it knows better than me how much to have the brakes on. I knew it was a male car.

I know there was other stuff I wanted to ramble about but I think I'll just have to get around to that later because I've got class in a wee bit.

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