Did you know that life spelled backwards is efil? Think about it...
Written @ 2:40 pm on Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003

Even though this week seemed like any other I tried to look beyond the surface to find some real life lessons and I found roughly 10. I felt very accomplished.

1. If you burp and sneeze at the exact same time it will come out as a hiccup.

2. The weinermobile is not just a myth! It truly does exist and in fact is much larger in real life than one would probably expect. On my way home it appeared to me like a great big hot doggy vision gassing up at the Chevron. Whether or not it got techron I don't know. I was in the furthest lane and it finished up and started to pull out. I tried to let it in but I guess I just wasn't ready for the honor of driving behind the weinermobile.

3. Apparently pancakes are girls. Even if they also go by flapjacks. On my way to class I saw a person dressed up as a giant pancake in front of the IHOP. It had a festive pink bow and was dancing and everything. What a world.

4. Corey Hart was pretty damn hot even if he did wear those sunglasses at night.

5. There were a lot of Coreys back in the 80s.

6. Laura Bush actually looks like she's mentally retarted--hence the obvious appeal for ole bushy boy jr. She's on the cover of our TV Guide with the whole Sesame Street gang. When I first saw it I thought: "Aw, Big Bird's helping out another mentally challenged youth. My that Big Birds sure got a big heart--wait a tic, that's not a kid, it's an adult--hang on, that's not an adult that's laura bush!" (had to read the caption to find that out actually)

7. Never ever think that Christina Aguilera can't look any worse because just wait till her next video and she'll prove you wrong. Caught a wee bit o her latest making the video on MTV and very nearly screamed out loud. Man, that fro was nothing compared to what she's sportin now.

8. The problem with traffic is that there are too many buddhists on the road. My art history teacher was going over buddhism in class and as an example she said that if a buddhist was driving they would take their time and be in no hurry because it wouldn't matter where they were going or when they'd get there. Why oh why couldn't Buddha have been a lead foot?

9. The only time having a yellow car will be cool is when you have a license plate that says MELLOW. You will also probably feel very successful knowing you get that song stuck in everybody's head wherever you go.

10. Daylight savings time is a big conspiracy.

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