Kids these days and their swings...
Written @ 1:18 am on Friday, May. 30, 2003

When you want the days to stretch on endlessly they always have an annoying habit of going so fast you just want to kick time time and time again.

On Sunday we all drove out to this casino on the outskirts of town on one of the reservations. It was actually a lot of fun and I walked away a whopping 15+ bucks richer. Actually it was more like 35+ bucks richer because the 20 I used wasn't even mine to begin with so go me. I should become a gambler, I think I could pull it off...except those slot machine noises just may drive me

There was this fairly hot security guard there too that I wanted to flirt with but unfortunately he was too busy walking around doing his job. What a turn off...I did get hit on by these two other security guards which actually took me by surprise...I guess that hasn't happened by random guys for a while. Made me feel all special for the rest of the day.

Monday was memorial day so my parents were off again. Brad, my mom and I went to the mall and I finally replaced my swimsuit. We also went to Bookmans and such...just a bunch of shopping really.

Tuesday wasn't terribly exciting. Late afternoon we went down the street to eat and then at night Brad and I went to see Phone Booth, which was alright enough I suppose. Brad was pissed that there wasn't more action and I asked him what more he expected of a movie about a guy in a phone booth the whole time.

When we got home we watched 40 Days and 40 Nights, which I had rented earlier and the boys were pretty unimpressed though I got to oogle Josh Hartnett's cute body so I didn't pay them any attention.

Wednesday Brad and I went to a swimmimg pool and swam for a while and then tried to tan but the kids were getting to us so we gave up. Then we watched a few movies on the digital cable and went to pick up my mom.

Then we drove out to a different reservation and we did this thing called a sweat. It's this Native American tradition of sitting in a sweat lodge...this little hut thing and they put these stones in there that make it incredibly hot and steamy in there so you, surprise surprise, sweat. It's supposed to be really cleansing and this powerful ceremony.

It was really great but I got annoyed at the hints of sexism that were running around. First off they seperated the men and women and the men got to go longer with the sweat, insinuating that WE couldn't handle it? I think NOT.

My mom asked the head lady if I could go with the boys so I could be with my cousin but she said that they were very traditional and that the men didn't know me and were usually afraid of young women because we were so powerful. Then she started talking about our time of the moon and how it's this incredibly powerful time for women. It took me a second to realize this moon time was an incredibly nice term for that time of the month.

Of course, being the Alli that I am I got pretty miffed about this all but I was trying to be the good Indian Squaw right? I only muttered under my breath such things as "Penis schmenis", "Beware my uterus, my uterus will kick your ass" and such.

When we got home we watched Murder By Numbers, which was again pretty good. They had this whole side story that I didn't expect but it was kind of distracting. Seriously, all we do is watch movies...and usually they're the kind of guy movies I would never see.

Today Brad and I went out shopping and such again. Mainly we just enjoyed the storm that was raging. Ah...yay for storms. Then we got pizza and came home to watch more movies. Then late tonight we went to the park and I tried to swing on those damn kiddie swings. Seriously, what the hell is with those things? They're like buckets. We didn't use those when I was a wee one, oh no, we were just fine and dandy with the one little strip to sit your ass on and swing and we were grateful damnit!

So I gave up on trying to swing on a fucking bucket and just tried out the slides and jungle gym and such. The boys were busy running around on the basketball court. I just don't get running. What's the point unless you're late? I run all the time when I'm late and I always am but running for fun? There's no such thing. Crazy people.

So tomorrow we're planning on driving up to Phoenix to go to this big waterpark. Molly and Dan are going to meet us there too so it should be pretty damn fun. Except for the whole getting up early to drive there thing. Nuts to that.

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