I think the y chromosome is a BAD mutation...
Written @ 10:45 pm on Saturday, May. 24, 2003

Yes, I am a girl and I'll admit we take an annoying amount of time to get ready. There is a lot of things that need tending to in order to maintain the whole girl status. Boys do not have to worry about most of these things.

Does this stop my brother and my cousin from taking longer than I ever thought humanly possible to get ready? No. I seriously have no clue what takes up so much of their time getting ready. I've gotten ready with my girlfriends for parties and such thousands of times before and all of us put together take less time than the two of them. I don't get it either, girls have reasons. There's all kinds of lotions and plucking and polish that needs to be done. Boys throw on some clothes that don't smell too terribly bad and a cap and they're done. Bastards.

Where was I? Oh yeah, damn it's Saturday already, how the hell did that happen? I got too busy too fast.

My brother and I drove up to Phoenix on Wednesday to pick up my cousin Brad from the airport. Afterwards we stopped at a mall and wandered around and ate a bit. Then we drove back home where we settled in to our all too typical hanging out mode until my parents arrived home with pizza. We just talked and stuff and then we randomly broke out boxes of old pictures and started going through them. I was really a cute little kid. What the hell happened? Damn.

Thursday was a pretty nothing day. Though at night Brad and I went to see X2. I had been dying to see it again since I left the theater the first time. My obsession has now only heightened, which I didn't really think was possible but ah well. I can't stop imagining naughty doings with Colassas, Iceman, Wolverine, Cyclops and even Pyro at times. Damn that movie had a lot of studly men. I love movies like that, that's what's right with the world.

Friday was once again another hang out type day. See, even though it sounds like we do nothing I still have to constantly be around to make sure Brad's being entertained and fed and all that or else my dad will be on my case like no other of course. In the middle of the day we went out to get eegees and to Target. I was looking around at hair dye and dared Brad to dye his hair but nerdboy actually volunteered. He said if I would buy the dye he'd do it. I called his bluff and bought it. So I dyed his hair that afternoon. It's this bright maroon. It's just really not something my brother would do so it's pretty funny.

Later on he went out to show it off so Brad and I watched The Others and then caught the tail end of this Martin Lawrence stand up thing on HBO.

Oh and I think it was on Thursday that Brad and I watched this thing on MTV True Life: I'm a Gamer. We were both shocked you could actually make a living being good at video games. I was seriously disappointed with the lack of ladies representing video game love. So Brad has been joking the rest of the week about how we need to train to be top cyberathletes (that's what they refered to these gamers as, which I find chock full of hilarity).

So we've been playing random games on nerdboy's playstation 2 and of course games on my xbox and super nintendo. He has yet to beat me at a single game. It's really hillarious because he's this big bad gangsta wannabe and he can't beat little ole me at video games. Take that y chromosome!

Today Brad and I went to the mall where he drooled over all the girls and I bitched about the lack of attractive men for me. He actually only made one comment on my like for white boys. He is really getting better about that, I think he's given up hope on me ever hooking up with a Native. Good for him.

Later after dinner and watching Shallow Hal nerdboy bugged me into going out and renting Halo for my xbox. We get back and I go to try it out and just as I expected it's totally not my type of video game. All with the shooting and the annoyingly long sci-fi story lines. Bah. So, even though they swore they would play this game all night long they have yet to come in here and try it out. Instead they're out in the living room oogling skinemax. They even tricked me into getting out of bed to come all the way out there to try and get me to watch "Backdoor Detective".

In conclusion, boys really really suck. Unless they are really hot mutants in skin tight clothing and pjs.

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