Love love love love love...
Written @ 3:09 am on Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003

Oh...I'm in looooove...

This past Saturday my parents were in Phoenix the whole day so I enjoyed havin the house all to myself on a weekend. Twas great really. Of course, this is all besides the point...

That night Cristina and I went to see Down With Love, which is in fact a great movie. I looooved it. They really did an excellent job making it feel like an old time movie and great googily moogily I loved those costumes. I was also digging the soundtrack a great deal and decided while watching it I should pick it up.

When it ended Cristina and I sat through the credits because the guy that was singing a couple of the songs sounded familiar. At first we considered it being Bobby Darren but no...Then as a song of his started playing through the credits he sounded a lot like a young Frank Sinatra but there was still something different... So we waited and finally it said that the songs were sung by Michael Buble. (Write that name down. Do it!)

We furrowed our brows at the screen because it was a name neither of us recognized. We walked out of there raving about the movie anyway. We stood out in the parking lot for an hour or so just talking and such then finally parted ways.

The next day mom and I went out for a big shopping day and I picked up the Down With Love soundtrack and popped it in on the way home. Inside was this little flyer for Micael Buble's CD and after listening to the songs he sang again I decided I had to have this CD. In fact you should all rush out and get this CD because holy shite on a stick this man can fooking croon!

I never understood those screaming and swooning girly morons that I saw in the old footage of Elvis and such concerts. Or even when they made fun of it in cartoons. Now I know why they swooned. If I saw this guy singing in person that's sure as hell what I'd be doing. If I could stop drooling long enough that is. I still don't get the screaming though, but anyway...

Oh! That's not even the best part! This guy is HOOOOOOOT!!! Like I would think he was hot even if he didn't have this voice but he does! Oh man...Seriously, take a second out of your reading pleasure to go take a gander here.

Ok, moving on to more yumminess...On that shopping trip I mentioned, I also got Wolverine's Revenge game for my xbox and guess what it came with. Another free ticket to go see X2. Bless them.

So mom and I went to see it, my third time, yesterday. I swear, that movie's like a drug, I just feel so giddy afterwards. Like in this hotness overload haze. To make things even more hazy that was the day I picked up Michael's CD and listened to it like 20 times.

Whoa, this is turning out to be a really gushy girly entry. Terribly sorry about that, let me see if there's something really random I can rant about.

Oh yes.

So I've had a bunch of surgeries in my lifetime right? Well, apparently, according to my mom, during my first surgery I lost a lot of blood and had to have a transfusion but afterwards I've still just never had enough blood. My 6th grade surgery made it worse because there were huge blood clots involved and such. I lost so much blood in that one they made me take pills and the like. Well, as a result of all of this and even more surgeries and blood loss it's somehow affected my body temperature.

I'm always at about 96, I'm never at a normal body temperature unless I have a fever. So it takes greater heat to get me hot, which works well seeing how I'm stuck in the middle of a damn desert, and I get cold really easily. I stopped wearing shorts actually because I'd always be freezing whenever I went inside. Even though I live in the desert it also happens to be a place that blast air conditioners like it's going out of style.

I've gotten used to this though, but what I've also started to notice is that I think my body's been trying to do something about this low body temperature because for the past year or so I've been getting fevers a lot just really randomly. It's really annoying. I'll be freezing one minute then dying of heat. I prefer the first one because I hate being hot.

Anyways, I like having a lower body temperature than normal. Seriously, my body should consult me before taking action against it. The nerve...

Was that random and boring enough?

Well, here's something really exciting--for me anyways. Shea called tonight and asked if I could go to Disneyland this weekend. It's really short notice but hopefully (and that's a big ass HOPEfully) I can pull it off. So pray, chant, sacrifice animals do whatever, for me so that I get to make it. Escape for just a bit before I buckle down and torture myself with a full time job.

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