I think my brains growing again...
Written @ 1:30 am on Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003

Damn. Damn damn damn. Double damn. Double double double damn.

Joyce called last night and informed me that she was hiring me. Fuck.

I don't want that job. I'll take it though...because I have to. There's also that whole money incentive. Nice change. Get me the hell out of dodge. What the hell does that mean by the by?

So tomorrow I have a denist appointment and then I go fill out lots and lots of paperwork for the job. What a glorious day that'll be. I'm preparing though. Sucking on a big blow pop to give the denist plenty to do.

The most horrid thing about getting a job and all that is that it shall tear me away from my one true love. My bed. Seriously, I am madly in love with my bed. It's so supportive and loving. I've got a great bed. What kind of world do we live in that wants to keep me from it? Evil says I.

A week ago I picked up the fourth season of Buffy on dvd. Already I'm impatient for the next one, which probably wont be mine till January. Bastards. At least I have the second season of Angel coming soon...oh and of course OoTP, but let's not go there for there's a danger I may overload.

Anyways, I finally finished watching all the episodes tonight and damn the guy who played Adam is HOT. Of course not when he's Adam but when he's all normal joe damn...What a world...

Let's not go back to my girly gushes though, instead let's move on.

I've been having these really pesky headaches all week long for apparently no reason. I blame it on my brain. I'm sure it's against me somehow.

My mind is very entertaining though, so it's really a love/hate relationship. More and more I've left this whole reality thing for my daydreams. I'm thoroughly convinced that this is the wrong world and my fantasies are the right world. Now I've just got to convince everybody else.

Yeah, this senseless rambling is all my brains fault. It's the headache damnit! I swear usually I'd be talking about something deep and meaningful and terribly poetic and genius. Not to mention it'd be very exciting and draw everybody--oh who am I kidding...

I've been trying to think of something to look forward to. I'm going to visit Shea for a week in early August. Then of course there's my birthday which, since I'm getting a job and will have money, I will most likely spend at Disneyland. Unfortunately, I'm not so sure I'll be able to get everybody in for free anymore. Apparently Molly and Dan's contacts have dried up since they finally left. I'm just gonna have to bug Danny. Muah ha ha...Ooo, I haven't laughed like that in quite a while. Felt good...once more with feeling...Muah ha ha! That's better.

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