JK is a God...dess...
Written @ 10:41 pm on Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003


Or give it a shot, who knows...I don't think I ever make sense really.

I finished the fifth book before 6am Sunday morning after locking myself in my room all Saturday to read it. It was incredible being wrapped up in it for so long...All new and wonderful...

Since I read the first word I was astounded by how amazing it was and dancing around with joy. I've been trying so hard ever since to figure out a way to put everything I felt about the book into words but I've realized it's just impossible. I can't give any kind of review or any shite like that. My thoughts and feelings are far too numerous and scattered that I could prattle on for eons about it all.

Overall I was blown away by the book. It was so unexpected and yet expected. I expected to veer away from any Ron/Hermione innuendos, character development or what not because nothing can happen with them till closer to the end because that would make Harry a third wheel and egads he does not need that. I expected Harry to try something out with Cho and for them to completely not work out. For his first affair with like to be a bust, because that's just how it should be dagnabit. Plus it gets her out of the way so he can deal with voldie, work side by side with Ginny in the fight against evil and fall in love.

Was terribly disappointed she (Cho) didn't die yet. Ah well, there's always the next one.

The thing that got me the most is the volumes that the book said with the characters and everything. The way it delved into this whole new kind of evil. Before it always seemed like an "there's us who are good and there's them who are bad and that's how it is" kind of thing. Black and white, good magic vs dark magic. With the ministry and everything though, you got that you can't draw that kind of line even in the wizarding world any better than in the "real world". The wizarding world is supposed to be better just because everybody walks around with magical powers but in reality their world is just like ours. Nobody's perfect and there's different levels of evil in everybody.

That doesn't stop me from desperately wanting to be a part of it of course.

Just look at umbridge. That woman was against voldy and the "bad guys" but she was also a bad guy herself. That whole new kind of evil being introduced in the book with the punishment she unleashed on poor Harry.

There were so many themes and such in this book I could ramble on forever but I should try to move on.

Characters. Astounding. Holy shite on a stick were they all great. I have never related to a character or person more than Harry. I'm just...wow. Even the new characters were wonderful. I thought for sure I wouldn't like anybody new because I was so accustomed to the ones I'd known and analyzed to death for so long but the second Tonks and Luna appeared on teh page I loved em. Proof again that JK has an incredible talent with her character skills.

Also the breakdown of the Dumbledore is God mentality was incredible. The tear...Oh I have no words.

Speaking of that, the death. Horrible. So sad and so...unacceptable. I'm still in denial. I just don't believe it. I just know there has to be some way for him to come back or something. I was so sad at the lack of explanation.

I've never really read any series kinds of books. Especially none like this. In my experience with JK's writing though, things always build up till the end. So naturally the end of the end will be spectacular but you need to build on that and so there has to be a transition book and I really felt like this was a big one. Harry transitioning into a man with all the hormones-a-raging (which I thought was incredibly realistic considering what he's been through). The book transitioning the wizarding world from a time of peace to one of war. The characters and the world transitioning from perfect to human. It all made sense to me.

This book was definitely darker and much more serious though. I can only imagine what the next one's going to be like. JK's also always been slightly subtle but mostly overt but I think the balance shifted in this one and that's why a lot of people I've talked to have been disappointed. I understand why but I just totally disagree.

Gah, I love it all. I know there was a lot more I had to comment on it but it's tough to think of more things right now without prompting. I can spout off when someone says something about it but when I try to think of something off the top of my head to start it's difficult to pick one out of the millions of things swimming in my head regarding the book.

It's really all I can think about. The most random things remind me of it. I love it. I missed this feeling.

I have this irresistable pull to pick it up and delve right back into it again but I feel like I need to resist because what happened to Harry in the end really did leave a hole in me. That death took a toll and I don't know if I'm ready to go back there...I know every time I see Sirius I'll think ahead and be all..."You'll soon be dead..." That would kill me.

See, I feel like I've hardly scratched the surface of my opinions on this book. Well, I tried.

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