Mmm...Depp and Kyan goodness...
Written @ 9:43 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2003

Ok, why is STILL not working?? Those lazy bums! Get to work! It's pissing me off that I can sign like only one guestbook every few weeks. What's the hold up here? Don't make me get a different one! *shakes fist threateningly*

Anyways, this past weekend Cristina came over in the late afternoon. We finished off the popcorn and movie we had gotten last week. Those popcorn tubs you get at blockbuster are actually pretty good but pretty much a rip off for how much you get. I suppose you could say that's pretty much expected.

So we curled up on my floor and giggled and oogled Johnny Depp playing Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow. Damn he did a good job.

Of course, as soon as the movie started I heard the "Ichabod" ribbit from the Disney version in my head. Then bout a half hour later it appeared in the movie. Both Cristina and I were like "Hey!" That's totally the same as the Disney version! There were a view other things they seemed to mooch off it too, but of course now I can only remember that one. Oh and the fact that he landed on the Headless Horsemen's horse backwards. Ha. Go Johnny.

Also, I was supposed to go with her to the Disneyworld casting meeting doo-bob this past Thursday. Unfortunately I was suffering from major abdominal pain that night so I told her I couldn't make it. I had been to one the year I worked at Disneyland so I had an idea what it'd be like. Just like that one Cristina said they were looking for people to work during the spring semester.

Cristina's willing to go and I would LOVE to but I would miss a whole semester of school and I know all too well my father would rather slaughter me than let me do that. When she described what they told her though it sounded so nice...I would love more than anything to escape for a whole fucking semester to work at Disneyworld. Sure it could never compare to Disneyland but nothing ever will and a little Disney is better than no Disney.

Of course, it's stupid for me to be even rambling about this because I can't do it. I didn't even make it so I couldn't even interview for it. That may be better though because if I got it I don't think I'd be able to say no and I should really try to finish this whole school thing and what not. I dunno, let's move on.

So we talked about that, watched the movie then turned on Bravo right in time to watch the latest Queer Eye. I'd already seen it twice, but Cristina doesn't have cable so I watched it again and drooled over Kyan yet again. Seriously, have you seen his arms? Those are good arms...

Other than that it was a pretty crappy crap crappy weekend. I woke up on Sunday and puked for some reason beyond my understanding. I never throw up so it seemed pretty out of place. I figure it was just something I ate the night before. Crazy food.

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