Why do I even bother?
Written @ 11:23 pm on Thursday, Mar. 18, 2004

I hate people. I really do. ((anybody who's reading this is not people and is automatically exempt from my hate. in fact, you rock.))

I was just talking to my friend Danny and he told me that he saw Molly and Dan at Disneyland. Then he was surprised to find out I don't talk to them anymore. Well, I don't not talk to them by choice, Molly never bothered to fucking call. I'm sorry but I flatly refuse to put all the work into a friendship, that's bullshit. I don't give a rat's ass if you've got a boyfriend you can still make time for friends. Especially friends who have been there BEFORE this penis came along. Fuck you.

It's bullshit, it has happened to me time and time again. I always see it coming and yet it always surprises me when it happens. I've had boyfriends and somehow magically been able to maintain friendships with other people. It's called a phone. PICK IT UP. Or a computer. GET ONE.

I have this suspicion that it's happening to me again with one of my oldest friends and that's just ridiculous. We were friends 10 years before the guy came along and suddenly he's all that matters. In what world does that make sense?

Another of the endless reasons why I hate relationships. I hate the blindness that comes with most of them. It just blinds you to everyone and everything else and then when you come out of it you expect everyone to be all la-di-da I'm still here for you even though you've completely ignored me for however long. Uh, no.

I've said it before and I'll say it again there's a BIG fucking difference between low matinence and no matinence. I'm a low matinence friend but I'm not gonna do it all.

Oh how I hate people.

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