Time is entirely too confusing...
Written @ 3:33 p.m. on 2002-07-13

Aren't we done with summer yet?

Yikes, it's so hot around here right now, I'm sick of summer heat, I'm ready for winter cool. There's like these Christmas in July things on tv or what not and I'm totally missing December. The Christmassiness, the lime eegees, the cool weather,...yeah, there's more but I'm lazy due to extreme heat, so...

Man, I had no idea it was saturday already. Weekends keep sneaking up on me and it's so annoying because with the parents home I'm expected to wake up at a "normal time". Well, who knows what that could be, I'm sure 4pm is normal somewhere in the world.

Another annoying thing about this whole summer season is how everyone just dissappeared...Whenever I get in that mood to go out and boogie or what not there's no boogie companion to be found. That's probably the main reason I'm looking forward to school starting, just to get something to do, to get back in some sort of groove.

Life just gets faster and faster...

I had a job interview at Borders yesterday and it went pretty well. One of the questions she asked me is what books I like. We could've been there for hours...She said she'll let me know within a few days though. *shrug* I don't really find myself caring all that much...

It's so weird to be thinking of what I was doing a year ago. It really doesn't seem all that long ago, but evidently it was. I swear those whole 9 months at NAU went by in the blink of an eye. I only remember fragments of what happened there, but I remember almost every minute of last summer. Hmm...I talk too much about this, let's move on...

Odds and ends...

I got those sketcher four wheelers for Christmas right, and I feel so bad that I haven't been using them. How could I though? It's pretty difficult to skate on dirt and sand. *glares at desert* I really would like to take them with me to Vegas and just skate through all the casinos...I just wouldn't want to get kicked out before I made it to the shops though...

I really feel like doing something different with my hair now that I have a totally different hair cut. I've been considering getting blondish (emphasis on the ish!) highlights again. Only problem is that since my cousin Brad's coming out later this month if I get them now I'm going to have to deal with his bitching about it...

I feel like curling up and watching a couple good movies tonight. I've seen all the ones I own though, so maybe I can catch something interesting on the digital cable. If not I'll just watch The Last Unicorn again...or maybe just one of my many Simpsons tapes, now there's an idea...

Whoa, it just got less hot all of a sudden and then I smelt it...the wonderful smell of rain. Wahoo! Yay for the rain! ... Ooo...just went out in it, those are some nice big drops. *sigh* Oh the love for storms...too bad there aren't any tornadoes to chase...

Well, instead of that I think I'll go to a bookstore just so I can get out in this rain and feel like I did something cool with my saturday all at the same time. I hope all who are reading this are having a splendid weekend! Toodles.

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