Such a quick trip...
Written @ 10:11 p.m. on 2002-07-20

Returning not a moment too soon...

Ah, nothing like a family vacation to make you remember how much you dislike your family. The infuriating hypocrisy of my father and the blatant refusal of my brother to be a decent human being. I am so thankful to be back in a place where I can escape, though I still wish it was to a place of my very own somewhere off in California.

Las Vegas was pretty cool, even though we were only there for such a short amount of time. I still love all the details and architecture of the hotels. Reminds me of how much I'm dying to visit Europe, I'm holding my mother to her promise, I will get there next summer dagnabit! Alas, I didn't really get to spend much time in the shops things were too hectic I suppose. The ones I did get to I found so much amazing stuff I couldn't afford. I found the painting "The Singing Butler" everywhere but I don't have hundreds of dollars to spare at the moment. Ah well, soon.

I also realized how much more fun Vegas could be if I could take vacation there with some of my girl friends--once I turn 21 of course. There are a lot of really awesome looking clubs. Oh and there's never a shortage of damn fine looking guys around that place...

Speaking of fine guys I saw the finest one ever in line for the New York rollercoaster...I was just in awe seriously, I only wish I could've leaped over the mass of people and chatted...damn the shyness! Ah well, hopefully someday I'll see him again...sadly that was probably the highlight of the whole trip...

Also finally saw Men In Black 2 which was...ok I guess. I dunno, it seemed to only span about 15 minutes and really went nowhere. It had it's funny moments, but I'd seen them all tons of times in the previews already so they weren't all that funny anymore. That villain was awesome though, gotta love the cool bad chicks. Also, can't go wrong with Will Smith man, I can just oogle the screen...mmm...

Resting and enjoying...

So today I've just been resting a whole lot to recover from the immense walking and lack of sleep due to thunderous snores of my family. I always love coming back to my nice big comfy bed. Gotta love the bed.

Also today the rents took the nerdboy up to Pheonix right away to take off for Wisconsin to spend some time with the cousins. It's so much nicer around here without him. I get the computer to myself finally and I don't have to ignore his mind boggling ignorance on a daily basis. I swear I dislike him more and more the older we get, it's incredible. I thought he'd get better with age but he just gets worse.

Well, I'm just in a good mood overall, glad to be back and rid of the nerdboy. I'm also looking forward still to August for my birthday and school. I'm interested in new classes and being in new shows and such. I've got lots to do probably, but I'll get to it when I get to it.

Memory/Story of the day...

Thinking of road trips with girl friends reminded me of one I had last year. It was the middle of the first semester and Molly and I had planned a trip to Disneyland. Erica was going to drive and Jamie (Molly's roommate) was coming along too. We skipped two days of school for a four day weekend and drove out. It was amazing fun, a great trip indeed.

So, afterwards we're driving back to Flagstaff and Erica drives this little gas guzzler geo so we have to stop an awful lot. One of the last stops was at this little back road gas station in the middle of nowhere. We all go in to use the bathroom and this dumpy looking toothless (I'm serious, there were no teeth) lady jumps at the sight of us and starts exclaiming about how pretty we are and if we would like to date her son. We all said our excuses and escaped into the bathroom in which we found a sex toy machine (instead of a normal pad/tampon dispensor). When we were walking back out to the car she had actually gotten on the phone with her son to tell him about us. Scariest and most random hick experience ever.

Well, we made it back just fine nonetheless but man did we laugh about it all. Seriously, I thought people like that only existed in the movies or something. I never thought I'd live to see such a stereotypical toothless hick, especially in the middle of the desert. Life's full of odd things and extremely odd people.

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