*does a happy little jig*
Written @ 3:06 a.m. on 2002-08-17

Zip a dee doo dah...

I'm very excited about many things...Mainly that I'm leaving for California tomorrow. I can't wait to get back to it, it's about damn time!!! I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to Disneyland, because as usual I don't have anywhere to stay in Anaheim and Shea lives like 4 hours away. Oh well, it'd probably be too depressing anyways...I better not think about it...

Speaking of Disneyland though, I finally figured out enough html to make this lil Haunted Mansion theme template and I'm pretty happy with it. It's not perfect, but ah well...Go the Haunted Mansion!!!

Also, I finally caught Molly again yesterday and she actually called me back early this morning. I was a little upset, just because it seemed like she didn't even care about seeing me, but her calling me this morning proved otherwise. She's still my best friend and I just miss her. It dosen't look promising that I'll catch her while I'm out there though, she works too much and...I dunno, I'll figure something out...

Also yesterday I called Cristina and we talked for a while. We plan to get back with our Disney nights and as usual all we gabbed about was Disney and the changes that they've made to Disneyland--it scares me a bit how I notice any little thing...Well, I lived there for like 3 months, I can't put all the blame on extreme dorkiness...

Yay for old school games...

So Josh came over this afternoon, again, Alli just got no sleep...ch...Anyways, so he brought a cd for the comp with all these old school nintendo and super nintendo games. *wipes tear* Bless him...Go old school...

We also played some games of my super nintendo in my room. That was awesome, because I don't know anyone else willing to play with me--especially tetris and Dr. Mario, I don't know why people don't like those games more...Ch...wusses...

We also played this cheesy computer game about some quest for a princeless bride...it was cool...He had to tell me what to do though, because that game gives you nothing. I hate those type of trial and error games man, like I have the time for that...ch...I swear, this game playing sounds much less dorkier than it sounds...

Hi ho, hi ho...

After Josh left I ran around the house getting ready in a matter of minutes and left the house in like 10 minutes. I drove downtown to Cope--where I will be working now. Yesterday I had the interview and it went really well and they introduced me to everybody I'd be working with. Unfortunately, all female...I guess I really couldn't expect any hot guys, ah well.

So I had to fill out this redundant complicated paper work for them and we talked about my scheduele. Dude, I'm only going to be working Mon-Thurs 3:30-5:00pm...how much does that rock?! Plus, they were all, we're totally flexible, it's whatever you want ya know. My jaw just dropped...Oh, finally, the perfect scheduleing! Revolve around me, that's right! I'm very happy about this...

So, after this week school will finally start and fall better get underway dagnabit! I'm so far beyond sick of summer! Bring on the fall! I want my shows to start and I want this extreme heat to leave and I want bad ass holidays! Stupid summer...

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