I gotta get me some pop rocks man...
Written @ 11:12 p.m. on 2002-09-30

Goin pluuum crazy...

Wow, I think the fact that I actually used the adjective plum really implies just how crazy I'm going. Midterms are starting at school and it's just too much. Stupid school. It took me a while to figure out why school this semester is seeming like so much more work. At first I just thought it was the commute and the larger campus. Now I'm realizing it's really being at home. Whatever's going on with mom and the constant remindings of certain past things lingering around constantly is really bringing me down. I've got this constant "I need a fucking vacation!" feeling and it's just annoying.

Though this kind of leads to my split in thinking about my future. More and more the traveling recluse is becoming increasingly appealing. Just picking up and taking off...sleeping and doing whatever I want whenever...Sounds like my kind of thing. I'm all over it. Now, where could they teach that in school?

I did have a west civ midterm today and though hardly studying and never attending class I feel pretty confident about it. Of course, now I've cursed it and am preparing for the worst I just don't have the energy to give a flying fuck anymore. Say it with me...damn the man and fuck the world...Not very poetic...I'll work on that.

Somehow I got an earache the past few days. I figure it's probably another ear infection. Those baths must be deadly to my ears...Well, I refuse to let them give me any of those evil drops. No way. Give me pills man, what the hell's modern science for? I've got a doctor's appointment at noon tomorrow. Interrupting my one sleep in day. Damn the ear too.

Read a crazy funny play today that really cheered me up. Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapine Agile. Great play...so funny. Highly reccommend it. Totally crazy. Best kind of crazy.

Relationship crap...

After the craze of getting my lazy arse out of bed and to my morning class than cramming some more for the midterm an hour later, I sure was on the phone a lot. First Kirsten called and while I re-parked and walked to the building of my next class told me about a fight she had with Steve (her boyfriend). It's really cute to see her in her first real relationship...takes me back *gag*. I just worry she's worrying herself too much over little things. I really do thing they're good for each other though and are one of the few healthy relationships I've witnessed.

I also told her about my recent decision to get the hell out of the sea. She asked me what happened and I said, well nothing, just a realization that I'm more afraid of commitment than I thought. There's enough shit going on to add to it with a male. I thought I was ready again...but I decided to wait...till Europe...*smirk*.

I actually talked to Shea the other day and made her promise me she'd make sure I became a hermit. She said I had to do the same for her. I asked her about Clay (guy that's been going after her) and she said he's still not giving up. I think that's so cute. Honestly, I hope just a little something happens...just so she knows how it feels before she gives it up entirely. "Let's make our castles extra broody."

Getting back to today and the phone, while I was still talking to Kirsten, nerdboy called. Apparently some guy had backed into him at school and he couldn't remember Dad's work number. Ah...glad he finally got some disillusionment on Salpointe drivers. Yeah, there were more phone conversations, but that's boring, let's move on.

Oh also got a phone call from Molly the other weekend. That was a random surprise but all the same great. She really wants me to come out to California to see Disneyland as soon as I can. I told her I had plans to come out with Cristina spring break but I didn't think I could make it during Christmas break--though I'll sure as hell try. Especially if she ever gets her own damn apartment. Hell, I'd most likely go live with her if she ever moved out of Dan's place. I swear, it's almost like they're married...so disturbing...*shudder*.

Bout damn time...

It's FINALLY the last day of September and I'm so glad. That stupid month lasted waaaay too long. Only good thing it did was finally start fall. The only time I can feel the slight weather change is in the morning though and even then I'm hardly concious enough to appreciate it. Sure October brings more midterms but at least I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. Come on December...

Also, it's nice to be finally getting paid. Man, I missed that whole money thing...Work is getting terribly monotonous, but hey, I still get paid for coming in whenever the hell I want and sitting around in whatever I want to wear...I'll try to keep the level to a minimum then...

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