Menage a nuef...
Written @ 12:30 a.m. on 2002-10-10


I know I've watched Lord of the Rings billions of times, but it's more just on while I'm writing or online or something like that. When I actually sit down to watch it...oh man...Last weekend I finally got mom to watch it with me. Now she finally understands.

So I've been amusing myself ever since with a new fantasy...Just let me in that fellowship. Come on man, kick the dwarf out I'll bring Sean as the new wizard once Gandalf runs off with the shadow/fire demon and we'll have a merry old time...Muah ha ha...

Got even more excited when I finally saw the trailer online. There are NEW FIGHTING SCENES!!! I did a lil jig of joy. They could just fight all the time and I'd be a happy woman. Ooo...fling that sword those arrows Leggy...Yum.

In this world...

Not a lot of good things are going on, as usual. Seriously, what's up with my karma these days? I'm so bored and...yeah, well anyways. I've had another midterm and a few more papers and projects. Survived it all only to face even more next week. Once again, damn the man!

Tomorrow dad's friend Danny is coming into town. Apparently he's a writer and he's here for a convention. I didn't know they had such things...a bit dissappointed...Also Debbie (my godmother) is coming for a visit. I admit I'm excited, people equals diversions. Hopefully my dad's friend will keep him off my back for at least the rest of the week.

Molly called again last week right after Dawson's Creek. It was so great, I FINALLY got to have a bitching session about how much I hate Joey. Thankfully, we've agreed on that since last year. Ugh, drives me mad. I waited 6 years for those two to finally get it on and they left sooo much to the imagination! I'm all for imagination, but you know what, it's got a lot to do! It's also got better things to do than to have to work with that. Just a little more kissing to give us all a little closure. Same with Roswell...that wasn't cool. Damn writers.

Die pop...

So apparently pop is finally on it's way out. Bout damn time, what the hell took so long? I say we burn them all at the stake, or use them as experiments...Ooo! The boy bands can be turned into love slaves, I'm all for that. Anyhoos, I'm very impressed with System of a Down. Molly first had me listen to them quite a long time ago and I liked it then, but I just finally recently got to burning a few songs of theirs and they're so good. Go them. Go good new stuff.

I also finally found a theme song, and from a very unlikely artist. Macy Gray's Sexual Revolution is such a great song. I've never really liked anything she's done before. Always had respect for her as an artist, but none of her songs appealed to me. This one totally rocks, there need to be more like it.

There need to be A LOT less songs like skater boy. That and that damn nelly song are driving me mad. I usually would never listen to the radio, but at work it's all I have and it's incredible how much they run those two little songs in such a short amount of time. I've come very close to abusing my poor little radio. Seriously though, that skater boy song drives me insane--I'm crazy enough as it is, don't add to the rage. The basic beat is so over done it's sickening and the lyrics are so unbelievably irritating! She just uses words to make it rhyme and the nonsensicalness makes me randomly strangle things. Burn her along with all those other pop whores. Ack, that was a little too typical...I should stay away from that. Usually I don't really pay attention to it, but that damn radio!

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