Let me out of dullsville...
Written @ 1:46 a.m. on 2002-11-02


Dude, it's getting harder and harder not to bitch all the time. I'm tired of things sucking...I'd say things are looking up but every time I do they come crashing back down again. Oh, right non bitching...

So I talked to Molly earlier this week and she said she's planning on coming to UofA for school this January! That rocks. I've really missed all the random bad ass fun we have together. Now if I can only coerce Shea to come back...

Cristina and I went to Nightfall last weekend and it was pretty cool. Did indeed get me in the Halloween spirit...Feeling my way through pitch dark mazes prepared to kick anythings ass that popped out at me...Good times. The weekend before that she and I attended our high school's homecoming game. We actually saw a few people from our class too. Scary times.

Today I was on my way to my 2pm class and Kirsten called wondering if we could meet up because she was stranded on campus. After class I met her at the union and we ended up chillin till like 6:30 or so. We ended up at Starbucks finally, yay for hot chocolate while sitting on cold benches.

Non non-bitching...

School's sucking major ass. I'm feeling all guilty for not going to this particular class which I probably wont do well in. I just don't care enough. Too much shit has gone on this past year for me to have any focus on such things. I attend what I care about and I care about things that really interest me. The TA for this discussion group for one of my classes said that she never takes a class with an attendence requirement. She says that she pays for her classes and it's up to her whether it's worth her time to attend. Ditto.

There was a shooting on my campus this past week too. Incredibly eerie. My mom actually helped train the killer (at this nursing job) about a week before it happened. I was less than a block away from where it went down when it went down. Luckily I didn't know anyone in nursing...still wiggy man. It gives me this foreboding feeling for the world...I try not to think about it...go back to my castle fantasies...

Gah! Time!

He hee...gah...Anyhoos, time is being all weird as usual...I should really work on our relationship, if I only had the time...

It seems to go so fast and yet so slow at the same time. I swear October just started and now it's November already...At the same time though weeks still go by painfully slow and seem to last forever and it's still not December yet so I'm still impatient!

Halloween happened already of course...Was kind of a let down compared to preceeding Halloweens...ah well. Now Christmas is even closer and I'm terribly excited. Just need to suffer through November and there is a three day and a four day weekend to aid in this sufferage. I'm still upset weekends are as short as they are. Stupid...whoever came up with this system.

There are also plans for the future which makes things a bit more tolerable. Cristina and I are hoping to make it out to Disneyland sometime during Christmas break. I don't want to miss any of Christmas but damn I miss that place!

Other than that boredom still slows everything down. Things seem so dull and monotonous and it's driving me crazy. I hate that. Must do something about it but too lazy to think of anything...ah fuck it I'll just sleep.

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