It's beginning to look a lot like less boredom...
Written @ 12:20 a.m. on 2002-11-25


So the good news is the other day I had a nice long conversation with Shea and she's coming down Wednesday for thanksgiving. Good good. Give me a decent distraction from the wretched life I currently lead.

Also had another talk about our plans for hermitage in our hopefully near future and I told her this guy had been teasing me suggesting my wanting to become a hermit was just like the unibomber.

Alli: "I just don't like people all that much."

Guy: "Like the unibomber."

Alli: "No, I just want a big castle all to myself all isolated."

Guy: "Like the unibomber shack."

Alli: "Shut up."

Afterwards I realized the primary difference between myself and the unibomber is laziness. Part one of constructing elaborate plans to bomb and kill people is getting up and I'm just not ok with that. Plus there's that whole planning thing, the only thing I'm going to waste that kind of energy on is planning how I'm going to get my next pizza.

I confessed to Shea about the problem with my mom though and she agreed I was completely justified in my decision to become a hermit. Damn right. Who needs people man? Bah.

Work, work, work...

So I got injured at work the other day. Brutal paper cut. Had to go home early what with the blood loss and all.

I find I'm itching more and more to ditch work because it's just so boring and time-consuming. It's not really the few hours I spend in there filing it's just the trek to and from work. Especially during rush hour. It goes against all my beliefs to be operating machinery during rush hour.

Problem is thanks to the whole mom situation I need to start bringing in more money which means I need to add more hours. I don't see how this is possible. Sleep and school don't allow it. As sleep can never be eliminated from my regime I say school should go.

Speaking of...

School is still as pointless and annoying as ever. The good news is it's almost over! I have like one day of classes, tomorrow, and then thanksgiving break--which is extended thanks to the cancellation of classes (which is the thanks I'm giving for). After that I have a week and a half till finals.

Not that I'm terribly excited for finals, I say I should just skip right past them. Hell, I don't think I should even bother coming back after thanksgiving break. I've done enough man, leave me alone. Stupid school.

If I was even a smidgen driven I would plan on taking a couple classes over the summer which would help me possibly graduate next winter. While that is one hell of a prospect, because the sooner done with school the better, it's still scary. What would I do after school? I'm still not ready for that. I'm waiting for the town lazy ass position to open up.

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