Cats, crackheads and classes...
Written @ 9:16 p.m. on 2003-01-18

Stupid arrogant djs...

The other day I was driving home and there was some cocky dj making this lame ass joke: "If cats are so smart, why do they keep getting stuck in trees?" Oh ho ho...that's so original...You know, I bet cats do these same kinda jokes, only better...I'm sure all the American cats have been having a field day with dubya. "If humans are so smart, why did they elect bush jr?" I mean, come on, that dj is one to talk...

There's also this new slogan on the pop station in town. They have all these people say..."I am KRQ." What the hell is that supposed to mean? First off, they claim to play "today's best music" yet they spew out an avril song at least twice an hour, a britney one once an hour, and fill the rest of the minutes up with the same three or four songs that all sound too alike for me to tell them apart. How is that "today's best music"???

Poor Yorrick...

When Shea was here over the holidays we got in this random discussion about a topic brought up in my philosophy class last semester. I tried to describe it to her and we discussed it but it didn't make as much sense without the book that had the story in it. So I loaned it to her and when she returned it she said it didn't really help it at all. We were just stuck with that whole "What the hell?" feeling most philosophers give you.

Shea: "I just can't believe people get paid to sit around and think this stuff up."

Alli: "Yeah...I mean, we could do that."

Shea: "Yeah, all we have to do is come up with something that makes people go 'What the hell?'"

Alli: "We do that already!"

Shea: "True."

Alli: "So now we're philosophers. Didn't we have some other occupation?"

Shea: "Oh yeah..."

Alli: "Drummers?"

Shea: "No, we have to learn still.

Alli: "Ah."

Shea: "Oh yeah, cult leaders!"

Alli: "That was it..."

So now we have this plan on stating our occupations as philosophers while paying the rent with drumming, after we learn, whilst we start to plot out our cult/religion. Then when cnn covers our cult on the news or whatever they can look back and say "the leaders of the church of antagonistic homers were once drumming philosophers..." Good plan...


So classes started up on wednesday and this semester is just annoying. It turns out I was taking script analysis, which just went by some funktified different name, which I had already taken. So I went to see my advisor and she got the right credit in there and stuff and mentioned the art history class I was taking I didn't need to because that art 100 that I took up at NAU would cover the art credit I needed. ARGH! That would've been nice to know BEFORE I registered! Gah!

So my advisor advised me to transfer into directing. Did she think to check if it conflicted? Oooooh noooo...I already have a class at that time so I can't take it. Nor can I switch into any of the other theatre classes I need or any of the humanities classes I need. So I'm stuck with only 12 credits this semester. If I don't graduate when I'm supposed to, there's gonna be a serious smackdown in the theatre advising office...

One REALLY cool thing though is the class that I had to drop was my only Friday class so now I have no classes as well as no work on Friday...3-day weekend every week! Waaaa hoooo...*does mini happy dance* I totally deserve that after suffering through last semester...that and a truckload of cookies...

Another coo thing happened on thursday. I went to my 3:30 class, which is my last gen ed--science. I was a lil late and sat in the back, but there wasn't a teacher yet. 5 mins teach...10 teach...15 mins...still no teach and a lot of talk going around about that 15 minute rule started by yours truly. Then just as we were getting restless I hear this: "Allison!" I turn and it's Katrina! I was like WHOA! COOL! So it turns out the teacher was out of town and cancelled class so Katrina and I walked out together and stood talking for over an hour catching up. Kick ass.

A big thing we talked about though was everybody else from not only our high school but also our grade school. This...person...from our grade school had just transfered to the U and it was a great source of amusement for us. Good times.

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