Weekends are much too short for my own good...
Written @ 12:11 am on Monday, Feb. 17, 2003

Valentine's day went alright enough. Cristina invited me to this jazz concert type dealy which was pretty cool. It was interesting enough for a one of my random life experiences. I felt all accomplished.

It's weird though...like all day long I couldn't help thinking back on all my past "relationships". You know what I realized? There have been WAY too many boys in my life. Good thing I've been cutting back so much recently.

I admit I do miss the whole relationship thing on rare moments when I would just like some special attention. Or meals paid for, whatever.

The thing is, that whenever I hear love songs recently I've been having this disbelief of them. It's been so long since I've identified with a love song that I don't even remember what it's like. It really makes me start to doubt that whole love concept. Do people truly feel the way they say they do in love songs? Or is it just a temporary trick of the mind that you delude yourself into believing for the rest of your life??? Gah!

Other than all that the weekend was alarmingly uneventful. Had a long chat with Molly on the phone trying to set up a weekend we can chill together. We're hoping for next weekend because the weekend after that I might be going out to Cal Poly with Cristina. I really hope so. That would kick ass.

We're also planning on going out to Disneyland over spring break. I swear, come hell or high water I am going. I don't care what it takes, I'm getting a fucking break.

I did get a chance to watch the Sweet Home Alabama dvd that I won and I was very dissappointed. Ok, so I might have been a lil distracted while watching it but in my general opinion it just...sucked. It felt like it was missing something. Can't quite put my finger on it, I'll probably end up watching it more closely so I can rant about it's suckiness in greater detail. Excited aint ya?

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