Where are my pickles???
Written @ 12:38 am on Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003

They just opened this brand spanking new Albertsons/Osco (yes all under one gigantic roof!) right down the road. The good thing is they�ve got a lil video store in there, and in my opinion you can�t have enough video stores in your neighborhood. Especially since I always have late fees with blockbuster.

So they have this deal on Mondays where every video you rent is only 99 cents. So I rented Tuck Everlasting and The Four Feathers. The first was just...weird. Ok though I spose. The second one was actually better than I expected technically wise but damn that movie went on and on and on and on and on...I swear, it felt like it was never going to end! I can�t even imagine what the book was like...plus it wouldn�t have the aid of extremely hot leading men. Tsk tsk...

Thanks to the evil chicanery (damn I love that word...) that is work I wont be able to go to Disneyland this week! I was supposed to go at the end of this week and on into the weekend and then leave for mexico with Shea for the following week but noooooo...Damn the man!

It was absolutely freezing again today. It was wonderful.

My family�s really big about the college basketball team in our city. It�s weird now that I go to the school. When my parents are watching it I keep saying

�Dude...that guy looks familiar...who is he?�

Then they say: �That�s the almighty so-and-so of course!! How don�t you know that! You lucky thing, you probably see him all the time on campus.�

�Well, maybe if he had the presence of mind to wear his uniform around I�d remember it was him.�

Then they just look at me funny.

Why is it though, when they talk about the team they always say �we�? I didn�t see them playing in that game...though that gives me really funny mental pictures...So why use that pronoun? Even when I talk about my school�s teams (which never really happens--but if it did!) I always say: �my school�s (insert-inane-sport-here) team did such and such...�

There aren't any pickles in this house. Damnit, that should be a crime! A crime!!

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