Extra long for your viewing pleasure...
Written @ 9:24 pm on Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003

Wow, it�s amazing how much it can suck coming back home. I seriously think my house and family are the source of all my problems in life. Or at least that�s what I�m going to think so I don�t have to think it�s me or some other social element. That way it�s easier to escape. Once again.."Run away! Run away!� Wow, that quote works with a lot in my life.

So anyway, I got back from Mexico today and here�s what I can remember of it...

Day One:

Shea called far to early, as I expected, and I slept for maybe a half hour more after that before dragging my lazy carcass out of bed to shower and get ready.

It was about an hour and a half long drive out there with me cursing my broken discman and trying to read while droning out my dad�s endless suggestions, advice, commandments, stories and what have you...

Met up with Shea, Leta and Clay in Gila Bend and drove off. No clue how long it took but when we got there I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn�t nearly as bad as Shea had made it out to be. I should�ve known...Anyway, I�m pretty sure all we did was unpack things and check out the beach. Ooo...look at the pretty ocean...At night we played the game Apples to Apples, which nearly killed me with laughter, and other games and got kinda bored pretty quickly. Ended up going to bed pretty early, which was really weird for me.

Day Two:

What was even weirder was waking up all early the next morning. I hadn�t willingly and fully consciously seen that time of day in a long long time.

Went swimming pretty much straight away. Grabbed an orange and pink boogie board and very slowly made it out into the ocean. Damn that water was cold. Ended up just bobbing on the water talking to SheanClay (ha ha..Shea would kill me if she saw that).

After that I commandeered the construction of a sand castle. Everything was going fine but then the ocean decided to go all high tide on me and we were forced to rush the rest and it didn�t turn out like quite how we anticipated but still a damn good fortress.

Somewhere in there I got the idea of a boat. Figured it�d be swell to bob on top of the ocean instead of all that wallowing in freezing cold. We hiked back to the house and searched in one of the closets and found a kayak and a raft. Took a while but we got them inflated, but by that time the stupid lazy ass sun was setting.

After dark there was again more game playing and even some puzzle action going down. Then I made up some kind of question game so we could have something to keep talking about. Silence is golden my ass.

Day Three:

Started off by going into town. Shea and Leta did most of the shopping. I picked up a pair of sunglasses because, as I knew I would, I had forgotten my own. We also picked up a nice array of fireworks for later. Then we had lunch at this place with a gorgeous view of the ocean. I very nearly froze my ass off but it was worth it.

Drove back and decided to try the boats out. Didn�t really work out so well because I suppose the ocean just really wasn�t in the mood. We rowed and rowed and pretty much stayed in the same place. Just ended up giving up for the day and heading back in.

Then I decided to try out the kite and got Clay to come along. I gave up pretty quickly because the kite seemed to like the ground more than me and I don�t need that kind of rejection from some holier-than-thou inanimate object. So I just chilled on the ground working on a whole new castle. It was a lot smaller but much more to my liking. Some tiny sea worms tried to storm it but I kicked their ass.

Shea came out to join us at some point and I got the idea to write my name in the sand. Shea totally copied me and somehow an argument written out in huge letters in the sand ensued...


Shea: �This must have been the way they argued before computers.�

By then it was getting pretty dark and Clay had finally given up on the kite so we decided to head in. (I totally won the sand argument though. Muah ha!)

That night we lit off a few of the fireworks and made a bonfire. I found me a damn good pokin' stick. Then I grabbed a fork from the house and tied it on the end so we could roast marshmallows while I tried to remember any scary stories I used to tell way back in the day.

Then there was of course more game playing and an actual finished puzzle along with many more questions.

Day Four:

Tried to go swimming again with just boogie boards but it was still all cold and stuff. So Shea and I decided to get the raft. We had a lot more success this time. We got out there pretty far and then Shea jumped in to swim and I wanted to try it because it had been eons since I had swam in the deeper part of the ocean. We tied the raft to the back of the kayak, in which Clay was rowing, and I jumped in. It was cold and annoyingly salty but still fun. Started to get sick so I had to head back in.

After that we just kind of chilled and I got a damn good tan. Everybody was napping and I felt like a walk on the beach so I took a nice long one. Right away my mind started rambling of it�s own accord thinking of a million and one things all at once. Jumping from one memory to another, which was very discombobulating. I loved taking the time to try to weed through some of the things that had been overtaking my mind these past few months. I feel like I came to terms with at least a lil bit of it.

I actually ran into Clay on my walk and we walked back and he let me spill out some of the things my head was whirring with. When we got back Shea and Leta were playing cards so we played a few games then headed back down to the beach to see what fun we could have with a football. Then Shea and I remembered we didn�t know how to throw a football so Clay went and got a regular ball and the Frisbee. Played a lil beach baseball, which was highly amusing. I totally won. ;)

Then Shea and I had another sand argument:


Muah ha, I won that round too.

Played boggle for the first time that night and I actually won. It reminded me a lot of that word whomp game I used to be addicted to. Then we capped off the night with an endless game of never ever. We just ended up saying something we had never done and those that had done it had to raise their hands.

Day Five:

Got woken up far too early. Everybody was busy packing. Got up, packed and took off. The drive seemed to go by in a flash even with the annoying crap rap Leta kept playing. I caught myself feeling extremely irritable for some reason. I think I was just tired and not willing to drag myself back home. Ah well, it was good fun man.

Oh and in other news, apparently that whole war thing is still going on.

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