Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover...
Written @ 12:50 am on Monday, Apr. 07, 2003

There used to be this show on NBC a while ago called Wings. I remember when it first came on the air my dad started watching it because he had heard a lot of good things about it so I watched it too. (Back then I was very suggestible when it came to my parents...unfortunately)

It was about my junior year or around there that it had gone off the air and the station USA started re-airing it. I watched it more on that station then I did when it was on NBC. It must have been around the time I was recovering from the jaw surgery because they aired it in the mornings. After that I only could catch it when I stayed home from school sick or something.

So yesterday I was flipping through the crap that's on the sad excuse for Saturday television and I saw it on Nick at Nite!!! What the hell??!! Dude, I remember when that show premiered! It wasn't so bad when they started airing Cosby or Cheers and stuff because I barely remembered watching that in the 80s, but Wings??? Dude that show was all 90s! I'm getting so old!!! My shows are coming on Nick at Nite! Noooooo!!!

Besides that it was good to see them again. It's becoming increasingly disturbing to me how much my memories are captured in television shows. I'm starting to suspect I may have been watching too much tv...Aw, hell I knew that all along.

I swear, the whole memories thing is the only reason why Dawson's Creek is watchable to me. It's like the Saved By the Bell phenomenon, I hate the show but I can't stop watching it. I seriously hate all the characters...Dawson's annoying as all hell, Joey is just a moron who mucks everything up, Jen is ugly, walks like a man and also annoying...I do like Pacey though...Even if he totally went against character when he dumped Jo--Oh man, I just realized I'm ranting about Dawson's Creek...I'm so sorry, I swear, it wont happen again...Oh I'm scared...

More proof I watch too much tv...there's this diet pepsi commercial which has this guy in it covered with mud that looks a lot like Sean Biggerstaff. It freaked me out when I first saw it, but you know what, the more guys that look like him the more beautiful the world so it's all good...

Thanks to all these shows though I'm in a highly nostalgic mood. Another good thing is that I've heard a lot of songs that I hadn't heard since that time and that gives even more nostalgic feel...this whole nostalgia thing is very addictive...

Apparently vh1 is going to have another I love the 80s marathon next Saturday. Good good. I'm just waiting for the I love the 90s marathon, make me feel even more ancient.

Even more on the nostalgia-Alli-is-getting-on-in-years front I watched Jurassic Park this weekend on dvd. I can seriously remember seeing that in the theater the day it came out with my family. It's so funny to watch a movie an catch the things you really didn't get when you were younger. Or even laugh at the misconceptions you had.

You know the scariest thing about how old I am...I remember talking with my friends about how cool it would be to have instant messenger like conversations on computers but how funny it sounded. I remember what school was like before students worked or wrote papers on computers. I remember using typewriters! Damn I'm old.

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