Damn your shiny helmets!
Written @ 4:02 pm on Friday, Apr. 25, 2003

Ah...wonderful diary...So good to have you back. Bless those diaryland people for fixing it.

So anyways, nothing new really. Still pretty dull. My mom woke me up around 1 today to ask if I could take her somewhere and I said sure why not.

I dropped her off and took a trip on over to best buy where I FINALLY got the second season of the Simpsons on dvd since the third one is taking too long to come out for my liking. I was going to buy the two of them together and have a giant Simpsons watching fest but ah well...dreams are dashed.

So I went back to pick mom up and we drove home. I swear the area in which we live is so suburban but it just doesn't fit in the desert. It's pretty funny really.

There were these kids on bikes and my mom pointed out their shiny (blinding is more accurate really) helmets.

Mom: Ooo...look at that kid's helmet!
Alli: Ch! You know in my day there were only three colors of helmets and we were grateful. Hot pink, neon purple and electric blue. Those were the days.
Mom: What are you talking about I had to beg you to even buy a helmet.
Alli: Well, we didn't need helmets in those days. Our skulls were thick enough to take anything the road dared to give us. Kids these days with their paper thin skulls. It's a shame, a crying shame.

She actually just laughed. I think she's starting to give up on me talking normal and serious. I'm proud I've worn her down.

I feel like I should be rampant with the diary entries to make up for all the lack of them recently but I can't think of anything interesting to rant about. Maybe I should copy Adri and start hooking people into my diary by telling a story. Then I'll be just as cruel and take forever to finish it. *ahem*

Well, while I was up in Phoenix visiting Molly she mentioned some more of her wedding plans. Apparently she's having her bachelorette party at Disneyland. How perfect is that? The pain in the ass is that she's getting married Sept 11 (yeah, I don't get it either) and she wants to go sometime during the week before and that's when classes have just started. Of course that's never gonna stop me from Disneyland but it's still gonna suck catching up for the rest of the year.

I still plan on going out to Disneyland the first week of summer with Cristina. Of course I should probably get some of that money stuff first...

I also need to visit the Titanic exhibit in LA while I'm out there to replace all that Titanic stuff that I lost in the fire. Molly casually mentioned that Dan had just happened to go and I was all offended. What? Without me? Gah! However Molly did offer to try and get out there so she could go with me again since I'm not sure how much Cristina will be up for it.

Again though there is a problem arising with the whole me going out there the first week of summer. Well, there's a problem besides the whole money issue. My cousin Brad emailed me and told me he wanted to come out ant visit mid-May so I'm hoping my finals will be over in time to go out to Cali get down with my bad self and then hurry back to pick him up from the airport. Eh, who knows...I'm determined to get back to Disneyland though damnit! I'm having withdrawls. Muttering Disney jingles in my sleep...Seeing hidden mickeys wherever I go...

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