You are hearing me talk...
Written @ 1:39 am on Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003

Everything always comes at once. I swear this week just may kill me. I have so much to do in not enough time. Instead of boring you with the long to-do list I'll ramble about other inane things.

Today in my art history class I had to sit through a white woman teaching me about Native American art. Oh my life is just chock full of cruel humor.

I had to bite my tongue every time my tribe was mentioned and bite even harder when she refered to Natives as Indians. I considered muttering something under my breath in Arikara but that class thinks I'm weird enough as is I probably shouldn't push it I hear they still burn people at the stake. Crazy crazy humans.

Anyways, not only was this woman white but she thought she was terribly funny and kept making the most idiotic attempts at jokes I've heard in a long time. I hate that. She was also so incredibly boring that she made the clocks stop. Literally. Now that's talent, you gotta work hard to be that dull.

Apparently though all it takes is a really boring class to revive my short term memory so I remembered a few things I've forgotten to mention.

First off this past weekend held a major accomplishment for me. I actually got Shea to write an entry while she was just a wee bit tipsy. Ah...twas great humor, but where do I go from here?

I also can't believe I forgot to mention this random conversation I had with one of my friends from Disneyland. We were in the midst of talking about normal topics when he asked me if I had seen the Dixie Chicks interview.

Alli: What Dixie Chicks interview?
(Friend Who Shall Remain Nameless): Kissing ass after what they said about bush.
Alli: They said something about bush?
FWSRN: Yeah, something about being ashamed about being from texas because of him.
Alli: Good for them, I knew it hadn't been the devil who had possessed me and gotten me to buy their cd it was just my good ole political intuition.

So, anyway, somehow this lead to talking about the sad lack of an Al Gore doll which then led to an argument over who would win in a celebrity death match between bush and gore.

Alli: Gore would totally take him.
FWSRN: I don't know about that...bush is from texas...
Alli: Ah yes, I can just see ole bushy boy sr taking jr out back to teach him to a girl.
FWSRN: You really think gore would win it though?
Alli: Yeah, it'd probably be an accident, because life's just funny that way--or is it television...I can't tell the difference anymore.

I stand by my bet and only await the actual event to happen. Too bad they don't have that gore doll out yet...I could stage it myself...

Well, at this point I would continue on with the Story of Nick but I'm very stressed out and tired because who the hell forgot to tell me finals were so damn close? I've got way too much to do. Bastards. Who came up with this system? I'm lookin at you Greece...

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