Damn the slimes!
Written @ 2:04 am on Saturday, May. 10, 2003

Tonight was an odd night.

Firstly as I was getting something to eat I was just thinking about how long it had been since I had talked to my friend Cristina. Just after I finally decided on something to eat and tossed it in the oven I walked back into my room and my cell phone went off. It was Cristina.

We talked for a while and realized our lives were too boring to have much to catch up on. We talked about our plans to go out to Disneyland sometime this summer and hopefully very soon have a Disney night with Katrina. I told her I had plans to study with Katrina on sunday anyways for our science final so I'd talk to her then.

So we eventually hung up and I had dinner. Then I was just happened to glance at the old shoebox that has all of my notes from junior high and I wondered how my old friend Julie was doing. Little while later my cell phone goes off again and it's Julie who just happens to be in town.

We talked for a long while, I could tell she was pretty sleepy. It's odd how much we've changed, we really have nothing in common anymore but we've known each other since first grade. It's just not the kind of friendship you let slip away that easily. Plus, according to Shea I'm a very low matinence kind of friend. You can just call me up after months/years and I'll be able to chat it up like no time has passed. I hope that's a good thing...

Anyhoos, she had come for her brother's wedding. See, now that's just freaky because I remember when he used to sit doing his homework waiting for us to finish with our girl scout meetings. Even freakier is that his new wife is pregnant so she's going to be an aunt. Oy...people getting married...with babies...What's the world coming to?

So anyways, tonight I get online and my friend Josh im's me all innocent like with this little game. It looked all cute and basic but ooooh no...it's addictive. Go ahead...try it out...you know you want to...

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