Now put your hands on your hips...
Written @ 10:38 pm on Sunday, May. 11, 2003

I beat the white slime I beat the white slime! Take that you stupid holier-than-thou blob! Bad news is there�s apparently two more slimes to beat after that. The second one is some red bitch and my friend who beat both the white then the red says there�s a gray boss slime after that. I�ll work on the red one later�for now�I beat the white slime I beat the white slime!

Oh by the by, if you don�t know what I�m talking about you must check out the slime here.

In other news, Jo-Z informed me that there�s a tornadoali out there. That�s a wee bit disconcerting. That�s my nickname! Yes, I am very possessive of my nicknames. Well, two l�s are better. Oh, and no it�s not me�did you read the entry? Pretty un-Alli-ish if I do say so myself.

Well, tis the season for season finales and man they have been pissing me off all over so far. It�s such a depressing time of year for the tele, I much prefer the time of season premieres. New episodes for a while�got a whole season ahead�answers stuff left over from last season�Bah.

Alright, getting back to the romance of Alli past, though it doesn�t seem to be interesting anybody at least it�s proving that my life was not always so boring, luckless and uneventful as it seems lately.

In the conversation I shared the entry before last I left out a part where we were talking about a party because without explanation it didn�t make much sense. The party was something I told him about at work it was my 17th birthday party. I was very happy to be turning 17 actually because my 16th year had sucked so much I was ready to put it past me.

It was at the party that everything started. This girl who used to be my best friend and I drove to pick up Nameless and drove over to the Embassy Suites where I always have my birthday parties. Shortly after we got there another of my ex-best friends arrived. It was just the four of us for most of the day/night and we talked a lot and got into the jacuzzi at some point I believe. I remember it was dark and all of us were sitting at a table outside the room and we were all in our swimsuits with towels wrapped around us. I looked over the table at Nameless and realized how cute he was. It was something I had really never noticed before and I found myself more and more attracted to him as the night went on. He would later tell me that he noticed that I stared at him a lot that night.

After that party things changed. Somehow we had moved up a level and we started hanging out a lot more and going to movies as just the two of us. People started asking whether we were going out but I always brushed them off saying �Of course not.� at the same time wondering the exact same thing.

It was a Friday night when everything changed. A group of us had all planned to go bowling that night. Before that though Nameless was going to come over and watch Titanic at my house because at some point he had informed me that he had never seen it, which at the time I took as a personal affront. I told him I was going to make him watch it and I did. We sat there on my bed and watched the whole thing. It wasn�t really awkward but it made me further question what was going on.

As the day turned into night my friends all called one by one and cancelled. It turned out it was just going to be us bowling. Before we left though I decided I wanted to show Nameless my ceiling so I turned off the lights and we lay on the bed staring up at the massive stars I had stuck on my ceiling in a painstaking pattern. I remember not even thinking about what I was doing as I put my head on his shoulder, I honestly didn�t even mean to, it just happened but before I knew it his arm was around me and we were laying there in the dark. That moment is what signified that we had become more. It slowly turned into a kind of cuddling then when we finally decided to get up and go bowling we kissed.

After bowling we came back to my room and just lay on my bed cuddling and talking. Then I finally had to drive him home as I had picked him up earlier. This is the email he sent me as soon as I left. It sounded really juvenile I know but it was honest and sweet.

hey alli,

how was the dive home? i wish we could have laid there longer but my parents would have gotten mad. i can't wait till friday night when we get to lay there and hold each other again. it's going to be so much fun!!!!! don't forget to ask for friday night off. cuse if you don't i will be stuck going to a party with my friends while they get drunk and that won't be much fun so please don't forget to ask for friday night off. also thanks for the kisses i enjoyed them a lot. talk to you later.



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