Now it's a pelvic thrust...
Written @ 10:19 pm on Friday, May. 16, 2003

Ah...I felt so accomplished last night, I actually beat all the levels of that acno game. There's only 35 so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Turns out the things only a demo of a much bigger version. Oy.

Tonight I ran down to Target to wander and I finally picked out a discman to replace the one I lost in the fire. It came with a remote. o.0? What the? While I find it very cute and all...a remote? Why is technology wasting it's time for a remote for a discman? Damnit work on ridding me of my uterus! Argh.

I've actually been in a fairly good mood lately and not just because finals are finally over. I've actually had two good dreams in a row. Both of which leave me with good residual feelings. One was actually about Dawson's Creek though so I was a little peturbed by that.

Of course I understand why though. It was the night before the final episode and those creek people were everywhere. The only one I watched though was on the Daily Show because I watch that anyway. It was hillarious, Josh Jackson was on.

Josh: What are you saying you don�t watch the show?
Jon: You know that first season, really meant a lot to me.
Josh: An hour every Wednesday is all I ask for.
Jon: It�s an hour? I thought it was just a half-hour.
Josh: No, it's a full hour.
Jon: A whole hour? They should call it Dawson�s River.

Then at the end�

Jon: So tomorrow night last hour of Dawson�s Creek.
Josh: Actually it�s two hours tomorrow.
Jon: Two hours? God! We have lives!!

Man, I love Jon Stewart.

Oh and yes, I actually did watch the last episode. It say the least.

A more productive night was last night though when I FINALLY had time to go see X2. Holy shite. If the ratio of the hotness factor continues to head just may explode. Seriously the costume designers are gods in my books for keeping Wolverine in such skin tight clothing for the whole movie. Oh bless them. Damn he was hot.

Afterwards Cristina and I were talking about all the hot guys and she was saying it's a shame that the guy who plays Iceman is so young.

Alli: So young? Dude, he's older than us.
Cristina: No way.
Alli: Seriously, I looked it up when he was on that stupid disney channel show.
Cristina: Oh that's right...I forgot about that show.
Alli: Yeah, he was the only good part about it.

I was right though, Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) was born in 1979! Ha! He is older than us. Yay.

I also heard X2 had the fourth highest grossing opening weekend of all time. So they've already signed most of the actors for a third movie. I already can't wait. It better not take as long as the second one did damnit. I don't care that you won an oscar Haley let's get a move on!

Alright, so let's get to the end of the Nameless story.

Things went really well for a long time. We were together for about 6-7 months, I'm not sure. The last month was pretty rough though. There was this girl at the theater where we worked that had been jealous of me for some reason all year and had been out to get me. She had a crush on not only Nameless but my best guy friend and she wanted to be friends with my girl best friend.

She started telling them horrible things behind my back. At first they told me about it and I laughed it off. Then one night I was in a really bad mood and I don't remember why. I wasn't acting my usual self and probably seemed rude in comparison to that usual self. After that my "friends" started to believe the things this girl was saying. The primary thing being that I thought I was better than them because I went to a better school. (I have asked my closest friends and the people who know me best after this happened and all of them thought this notion was completely laughable).

So they stabbed me in the back and started saying things behind that back. Nameless never believed the things the girl said but when he started hearing it from my friends he started to. All month long they tried to convince him to break up with me. He finally did.

The day after I showed up to work and acted as if nothing had happened. I was friendly towards him and acted like my usual self. He of course got very upset and said he wanted to talk to me after work. I gave him a ride home and he told me I acted like it didn't matter to me and it hurt him and blah blah blah. I told him that I just wanted to be friends that I didn't trust him anymore to let him know what I was really feeling.

Afterwards we were "friends with benefits" which I in no way shape or form reccommend to ANYONE. Seriously, it NEVER works. It can work if you do it before a relationship but never afterwards.

We still went to prom but I never wanted to get back together with him after the way things ended. I was too pissed about it all. I've always had a rule that guys only get one chance. Because they're...well boys.

Here are exerpts from our last im conversation though.

((most of this is in the midst of talking about prom and what would be happening after it if you know what I mean--if not, don�t ask))

Rain010: well, what do you want?
Nameless: you
Nameless: stop blushing
Nameless: do you realize that you are way to good for me?

((Alli didn�t respond she just blushed and changed the subject to something else))

Rain010: it's ok, I'll live
Nameless: yeah i know but i still feel bad
Rain010: don't
Nameless: too bad
Rain010: oh foo
Nameless: what?
Rain010: it's such a fooy thing to feel bad about!
Nameless: no it aint
Rain010: yes it is, cuz I aint important
Nameless: yes it is
Rain010: yes what is?
Nameless: important to me
Rain010: what's important to you?
Nameless: everything about you
Rain010: why???
Nameless: because i still care about you and love you
Nameless: stop blushing

Rain010: I can't...
Nameless: yes you can

((much more changing of subject))

Nameless: because im a moron
Rain010: you are NOT a moron!
Nameless: yes i am
Rain010: don't make me come over there!
Nameless: i have done the stupidest thing anyone can ever do
Rain010: what?
Nameless: i broke up with you
Nameless: stop blushing

Rain010: you know me too well, I believe ALL of me is TOTALLY blushing right now.....
Nameless: yes i know i know you very well
Rain010: ok, now if I ever stop blushing.....
Nameless: which you probly won't
Rain010: eh, who knows
Nameless: do you have any idea how much i miss you?
Rain010: no, but I think I'm getting a bit misty eyed since you just said that INCREDIBLY sweet thing...
Nameless: sorry
Rain010: no need to apologize...

Yeah, you can tell most of the time I was fishing for certain things, but can you blame me? Anyhoos, this is pretty much how it ended. We went to prom a good INNOCENT time was had by both of us. Afterwards we could both kind of sense that the friendship was dying. He came to my graduation and I wasn�t exactly the nicest person to him because I was just upset about graduating and leaving my friends. A few days later I left for my looong summer vacation. My family and I flew to Florida and spent a week there and then we flew to the British West Indies to this island my godmother lived on and owned a hotel and dive shop. My family stayed a week and I stayed two weeks. The week after my family left was incredible. I had massive amounts of alone time on this island and sorted everything out in my mind. After I got back everything was over, even our weak friendship. I have absolutely no regrets.

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