Bitch bitch bitch...
Written @ 9:50 pm on Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003

A very strange thing happened to me today. I got hit on and I actually noticed it. Usually that only happens when they hit me over the head repeatedly with their come ons...which actually is what happened in this case.

It was really embarassing though. I'm not good with those kinds of compliments.

I got out of my car and this guy ahead of me held open the door for me. Then after he ordered (I was getting lunch) he said "Phew, it's so hot out there. (then he looked at me) And your hot so I'm like melting here."

It took me a few minutes to even register that. Yeah, apparently I'm not too quick on the uptake with these kinds of things. Then I had to make my order and wait the whole time he would just flirt while I blushed my ass off. Then, the worst, after I had finally gotten my meal he tried to suavely open both doors for me but ended up knocking my drink out of my hand. It was kinda cute but so embarassing.

I never realized I got embarassed so easily still. Damn.

Also, and I can't believe I forgot to bitch about this earlier, there was this case manager at work trying to set me up with his son. That's not that bad but listen to how he approached this.

Old guy: "So are you married?"

Alli: "Oh lords no."

He then directly proceeded to talk about how great marriage was and then oh-so-not-casually mention that he had a single 21-year-old son who he was bugging to settle down.


Luckily, I resisted the intense desire to run screaming from the office arms flailing. Isn't that impressive? I should get some sort of medal for my courage.

Want to hear another scary story? Today the office was packed with kids. First some chick brought her baby in and everyone in the office jumped up and swooned over it for over a half hour talking in baby talk the whole time. Oooing and aaawing over the same things over and over again. Uh-huh, and people say I'm easliy amused.

Then later Sandy (the scary old grandma lady) had her grandkids with her for a while. The mother was with them too and all she did for the whole hour was talk about how impressive her children were. "Oh, see he drew a momma bird feeding a worm to the baby birds! Isn't that so amazing? The detail!" Yeah, lady you're kids a real Van Gogh. Man she was more annoying than the kids, and that's saying something.

Then at the end of the day Monica's baby arrived. This was the least bad of them all because I have to admit my estrogen got the best of me on her. Damn was she cute. Everyone kept laughing at me though because I talk to babies like I'd talk to anybody else and apparently this is funny to everybody.

Yeah, well at least I don't do baby talk. Neiner neiner.

Ok, last horror story of the night. Yesterday I had a consultation about getting my wisdom teeth out, something I swore I would never agree to. Then they sprung on me that they wanted to do it on Wednesday. Tomorrow! Bastards. At 7am!!! Evil bastards.

So they're gonna stick me with needles and cut me open and dig out some teeth and stitch me up tomorrow. What's up with that? In what world is that ok?

Well, at least I get off work the rest of the week. That's something right? Right? Ugh.

Well, if I do survive I'll come back to bitch once more about even more inane things!

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