You suck-diddily-uck mouth!
Written @ 12:18 am on Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003

Aw geez, I actually wrote diddily.

He hee...ten points for anyone who can name that episode. Anyhoos, to the bitching...

So I mentioned the stupid consultation about my wisdom teeth that I had on monday. It turned out the doctor had a son that I graduated from high school with. He said his name and it sounded familiar but it took me the rest of the day and a peek at the yearbook to put a face to it. After that he went on to talk about how he still saw so-and-so and so-and-so and I was thinking: Yeah, I have a hard enough time remembering the people I still talk to from high school's names let alone everyone else.

Seriously though, my memory is starting to peturb me. I remember really random things that nobody else does in great detail but I when it comes to remembering things that actually come up in conversation or need remembering I'm a senile old bat.

Crazy Alli.

So yeah on Wednesday I had my wisdom teeth out. It sucked so much.

I woke up even before my dad came to wake me at 6am. Not sure why, nervous probably. My mom drove me there and they sat me in this incredibly funky looking torture chamber chair that was this horrid fuschia color. They leaned me back, placed one of those bib things on me and then started telling me about what they were going to do to me. Oh I just love that part. Good thing I'm so adept at tuning things out.

Then the doctor grabbed my hand and swabbed and sprayed it and gave me this thing to squeeze. I just told him to aim for one of the many scars of IVs past. He didn't, the prick is in a whole new place so I'll get a brand new scar. Bastards.

They said the IV was supposed to be all tiny and it shouldn't hurt. It's still a needle and it still hurt like a bitch. Then they said they were going to give me some medicine right then and I should start to feel funny. I remember turning my head to the ceiling and starting to suspect I was feeling it and then it all goes blank.

I have a brief memory of someone talking to me and then waking up lying somewhere. I don't really remember leaving...there was a wheelchair involved...I remember getting home and being so glad to get in bed. I played my gameboy till it was time for me to take some pills and then I passed out for a few hours.

The rest of Wednesday really sucked. I'd pass out to sleep for a while, wake up with pain, take a pill then puke. The pain pills were making me sick but it was better to puke then to put up with the horrible pain. Not only did all four spots where my teeth were hurt by my jaw muscles were, and still are, killing me.

Aw...wasn't that just a lovely story? I'm still in pain and really tired and stuff but ah well. If I bitch anymore I may turn into a country song. Or a guy. *shudder*

I did get some balloons out of the deal though, so that's something. That and a lot of pampering. I'm getting sick of ice cream pretty quickly though, I miss solid foods...ah solid foods...

I have been spending good amounts of quality time with my beloved bed and the television too. There was this really corny movie called Prince Charming (I think) tonight on TNT. It looked like it should've been good because there were all these biggish stars in it but man did it suck.

Yeah, there's really nothing else interesting going on. It's all pain pain pain and boredom boredom boredom. Ah well, in two weeks I'll be in San Luis Obispo. Bout damn time I get a vacation.

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