Yikes, what a dull update...my apologies...
Written @ 1:55 am on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004

Argh. I feel so awful for not updating more. I luuurve this layout so much it's a shame not to put it to better use. Not that my inane ramblings were such a great use but anyways...

Classes started up again last week. It was kinda cool though because they didn't start until Wednesday so there was only 3 days of classes and then a three day weekend. I'm such a big fan of three day weekends, they rock almost as much as four day weekends. It's kinda nice getting back to classes though simply because I'm not expected to work full time. I swear, the boredom and monotony of my workplace is getting so bad I contemplated attempting to slit my wrist with paper cuts. I'm so sick of filing endless sheets of paper...enough already! Just let it go digital!

Back to school however...I'm taking two Classics classes; one on Roman Art and the other on Greek Mythology. Now, I got obsessed with Greek Mythology Fresh-Soph year of high school and when I get obsessed with something I have to know EVERYTHING about it. I remember pretty much everything that I read so it's a little silly for me to take this class but it could just be the easiest class ever and I'm not exactly opposed to that at this point in my college career. ((Random sidenote: What a funny term, college career...Shouldn't we be getting paid for it then instead of paying ridiculous amounts of money for this "career"? How much would it rock to get paid to go to college. What a wonderful world that would be. I'd probably never leave though.))

My other classes will be far more difficult of course. Well, one of them anyways. They're both theatre classes. Ones play reading or something and it only meets on Tuesdays so I haven't even had it yet and the other's directing. Yikes. There's a lot expected of me in that one. I really need to do well this semester too in attempts to make up for the massive slackage I did last semester...and pretty much all the semesters before that...Heh. I think I say that every beginning of semester though, but I swear this time I'll really try to stick to it.

I've been back in touch with my oldest friend Julie recently. She's the one who moved to London to be with her boyfriend. Luckily it seems to be working out and she's invited me to visit her, which excites me beyond reason. I really need to save up because that would be incredible. I only wish I could also swing by Australia and squeeze in some David Wenham stalkage as well, but alas...wishful thinking.

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